So today was my official presentation from work. Lovely comments on the card, many people said flattering things to me, a very handsome cheque and beautiful flowers were presented. I only have two and a half days of work before I can get my head round the Packing List. The List arrived from the relocations company on Friday and just like last time I need to list every single thing we will be taking to Hong Kong as well as it's value in case of loss or damage. Quite a task! The weekend was a blast, 6 girlfriends went to our holiday apartment at the beach for wine, talk, reading, walks on the beach in the sunshine. I'll miss you all! Another couple of dinners and lunches to come this week, then we start on Les' work farewells. I'm saving books to get me started in HK as I noticed books were expensive there. I might even be persuaded to buy a Kindle! Is it sacrilege for a librarian to say that?